Monday, October 5, 2020

A Dangerous Mockery

In my Friday post, I wrote a paragraph which is now coming to the forefront of my mind:


Because we live in a post-truth society, with the COVID-Conman being Chief Prevaricator, I'm not sure I believe that he's tested positive. He lies about everything, what would stop him from claiming to have contracted the virus, then claiming a miraculous cure in order to downplay the severity of the disease? I kinda hate that this has even popped into my mind. 


The reason why this paragraph is haunting me is this tweet from COVID Commander:

To say that I am appalled is an understatement. How dangerous is this statement? Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life. We have developed, under the Trump Administration, some really great drugs & knowledge. I feel better than I did 20 years ago! 

This is going to get people killed. The realization that most of them will be people gullible and nasty enough to believe him is small consolation. We have developed some really great drugs and knowledge, but they won't be available to Joe and Flo Schmo. The average American doesn't have a security team to whisk them away to a six-room hospital suite, and doesn't have a medical team ready to inject them with experimental drugs. If a ordinary American contracts this virus, they stand a good chance of dying, and if they survive, they stand a good chance of permanent impairment. 

Even worse, a right-wing flack has wirtten a paean to Trump which has fed his ego in the worst way possible:

Now Trump actually believes the 'God Emperor' meme. I doubt it will effect the polls at all, but this sort of hagiography is dangerous when applied to a malignant narcissist who has always bought into his own hype. 'Invincible warrior', my ass! 

The craziest thing about it is that Trump, if he actually has the virus, isn't out of the soup yet. He'll be running on the premise that having contracted COVID-19 is an advantage over Biden... the talking point will be that Trump's individual victory over the disease somehow trumps his public defeat in the fight. Back in March, I predicted that a half-million Americans would die of this thing before it runs its course, and now I think I was overly optimistic. I've always thought that Trump was a dangerous, corrupt moron, but I didn't realize the depths of his depravity.


  1. Heh, this is a good one... let the Q idiots chew on this:

  2. TRump is on dexamethasone, given in a 10 day course for severe Covid symptoms. It can have serious side effects, one of which is mania, and he sounded manic as hell today so sure he feels better than he has in 20 years, because he on a new and stronger upper. He's probably used to the stuff he's been snorting up to now so this is some new fun with a side of perceived invincibility. I predict he'll end track in the hospital and in much worse shape next time.

    I've read that you should not be out of a hospital setting while taking this stuff at the Covid treatment dose. He'll have medical supervision at the White house, but I just saw that he dramatically took off his mask when he got there so everyone around him is going to become a plague rat set loose to infect her more people. It's beyond toxic narcissism.

  3. He did not take off the mask to be provocative, he did it because breathing was painful.

    Detailed examination of the balcony scene in this thread:

  4. You said it all here, and in a kinder way than I seem to be able to muster as to this subject. Thank you! It is, indeed, sad times that this admin. has lied so often in so many ways that regular decent people suspect every time an administration member opens their mouth.

  5. More people will die because of his statements, that's for sure. Even if he dies of the disease, the QAnon qrackpots will just say the Deep State Satanic pedophiles struck him down because he was about to move against them.

    People who believe a con man will ignore precautions and die. People who believe science will take precautions and (mostly) survive. It's just natural selection in action. We can already see Republican leaders in Washington getting diagnosed right and left, but very few Democratic leaders are.
