Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Nutkin with a Muffin

Oh, Nutkin, what are we going to do with you? Nutkin works on the trash-diving day shift:

The night shift is covered by the Fearless Furball. Between the two of them, the custodians have their work cut out for them in the morning.

On a tangential note, there are three young raccoons which have the run of the property... they are of the age when mom kicks them out to fend for themselves. During shift change one night last week, my co-worker and I were shooting the breeze (we call it the shift change briefing), and we saw Moe, Larry, and Curly (natch!) poking around the area. All of a sudden, one of them rushes towards me, and I literally jumped backwards three feet. Oddly enough, I didn't get an aggressive vibe from the raccoon, it seemed like a mix of curiosity and playfulness, but needless to say, I don't want to play with a little fuzzball whose idea of fun is a friendly biting contest.

I wish I'd had my camera out at the time, it was an interesting enough occurrence. Hopefully, these three fuzzballs will learn to distrust two-legs. It may be comical when they approach, and it makes for good blog posts, but I like my wild animals wild.


  1. Yes, those critters are better to watch from a safe distance.

    We have raccoons and possum in our back yard. Not usually at the same time. I had a possum that seemed to want to figure out what i was last year.

    No thank you.

  2. Daww, that woulda been a great pic!

    Always carry the camera, I always sez.

  3. We have raccoons and possum in our back yard. Not usually at the same time. I had a possum that seemed to want to figure out what i was last year.

    Possums have a serious charisma deficit, but I have a soft spot for them.

    Always carry the camera, I always sez

    The whole thing happened so quickly, I don't think I'd have had a good shot.
