Friday, January 24, 2014

Slightly Bummed by a Good Thing

This afternoon, I will be attending a "Hail and Farewell" party for one of my favorite co-workers. I know you're not supposed to play favorites, but it's so difficult not to do so. Besides, she's a favorite co-worker of everybody- everybody on the job loves her, all the visitors love her, I bet even supercute fuzzy animals love her. Personally, I think so well of her that I never even begrudged her scrumping my wineberry patches (actually, the summer before last, we had a "berry summit" in which we drew a line down the property: "Everything north of the line is mine, everything south of the line is yours").

Anyway, she got a job with a smaller organization in which she will be able to take on more autonomy and more authority (as an added bonus, it's an easier commute for her as well). While I will miss working with her, I am happy on her behalf.

I wrote a maudlin, treacly e-mail to her earlier in the week, telling her what a pleasure and a privilege it has been to work with her and wishing her good fortune in her future endeavors. I felt it was important to get that sort of thing out of the way early, because this afternoon will be spent trying to comfort disconsolate co-workers. In particular, an assistant site manager who worked closely with her for years (a self described "big mush") is going to be a big, sobbing mess.

Me? I'm kinda bummed, but I'd be a poor friend indeed if I weren't happy for her.


  1. It's always bittersweet when that happens. Last year, while my department was still on life support, each time someone found a transfer or new job, we were so happy for them, but it increased the fear factor for each of us.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog about bibimbap. I am still exploring Korean food in LA. Too bad you are not here, you could explore it with me! I'm fascinated as I learn it's not all just barbecue! And the grocery stores are amazing!

  2. It's always bittersweet when that happens. Last year, while my department was still on life support, each time someone found a transfer or new job, we were so happy for them, but it increased the fear factor for each of us.

    Yeah, it's like that!

    Thanks for your comment on my blog about bibimbap. I am still exploring Korean food in LA. Too bad you are not here, you could explore it with me! I'm fascinated as I learn it's not all just barbecue! And the grocery stores are amazing!

    I'd love to hang out with you, exploring interesting restaurants.

    I'm sure Bambi will miss her, too.

    I told her to take a couple of deer down to Manhattan with her, they'll be a novelty down there.
