Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ouchy Bounty

Today is the last day of our major summer fundraiser, but I lucked out, and got to work another site today. Sheesh, yesterday, with it's "pushing triple digits" heat, was enough of an ordeal.

The site that I worked today has plenty of wineberry brambles, so as soon as everyone else left, and I locked up, I went to work, gathering as many ripe aggregations of drupelets (hey, I'm a pedant!) as I could. It was ouchy, ouchy work with all those spiny brambles, but it's worth it, even though I wasn't making fifty dollars an hour doing it. Tomorrow, I'll be making jam with friends again.

Many of the brambles still bear their fuzzy unripe fruits, so I imagine I'll be able to gorge myself on wineberries for at least another week. It's a pretty damn good fringe benefit!


  1. Do those "fuzzy" thorns stick in your skin? The picture looks like they'd be irritating.

    (But it's the gnats that really get me, when it comes to skin irritation.)

  2. Is this an elephant deal, where the wineberries ferment in your stomach & you get a buzz on?

  3. Do those "fuzzy" thorns stick in your skin? The picture looks like they'd be irritating.

    The thorny ones do, the fuzzy ones don't. Harvesting the suckers is a real labor of love.

    Is this an elephant deal, where the wineberries ferment in your stomach & you get a buzz on?

    I should be so lucky!

  4. I'm not sure if I've mentioned how much I hate picking berries before but just in case I haven't .. I hate picking berries.
    But, I DO love eating them. And jam.. by the way. :)

    P.S. I'd totally pick them for $50 an hour though!

  5. Everybody be quiet. Sssssshhhh. Stop. Listen. I have something important to say. Hold up.


    Did I just blow your mind?

  6. P.S. I'd totally pick them for $50 an hour though!

    I know, right?



    Blogger needs a "Keanu" tag.
