Saturday, July 7, 2012

Bon Voyage, Momster!

Today, mom is leaving the sweltering heat of Virginia and flying to Zurich to spend three weeks with my brother Sweetums and his family. It's nice to know that her retirement is filled with such unalloyed coolness.

Meanwhile, on the home front, it's promising to be a scorcher here, and it's the last weekend of our big summer fundraiser. I'll be able to split my time between being indoors and outdoors, so I won't suffer too much. Hopefully, the forecast thunderstorms will hold off until after the event winds down. I really don't look forward to having to herd visitors into shelter in case there are dangerous weather conditions.


  1. Have a good time Mr. Bastard's Mom!

  2. My condolences for the heat waves. That's harsh.

  3. Good your mom for getting outta this meltdown.

  4. I've been to Switzerland. *sigh* So beautiful.

  5. Have a good time Mr. Bastard's Mom!

    She always has a blast.

    My condolences for the heat waves. That's harsh.

    We're getting off easy compared to the Heartlanders and folks south of us. Of course, we believe in Global Warming, so the FSM treats us better.

    Good your mom for getting outta this meltdown.

    She's a smarty!

    I've been to Switzerland. *sigh* So beautiful.

    Isn't it? My great-grandfather was born in Brienz in the Interlaken district, and it's gorgeous.

    One of my friends got a librarian job there. Can you fucking believe that shit?

    Some folks got the luck!
