Monday, July 2, 2012

Had a Weird Dream Yesterday...

I got home yesterday around 9AM after working from Saturday afternoon to Sunday morning. Needless to say, I was knackered. I'm not the sort to recall my dreams, but I had a vivid dream yesterday, a whimsical dream of diaphanous nymphs in dramatic outfits and happy toddlers. Funny, my dreams usually aren't so pleasant, so if I had been receiving telepathic messages, it must have been from a benevolent entity...

vacuumslayer said...
Hey, B^4, we're gonna be bypassing your city soon--just wanted to give you a virtual wave!
July 1, 2012 10:29 AM

It's a shame that I was zonked... If I had been awake, I could have lowered a basket of pla choo chee down from the McLean Avenue bridge. Hope all is well with the move, VS and fam!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful dream.
    This morning I dreamt that I was going to sleep and was very happy about it.

  2. I dreamed I shot par over 18 holes!

    I dreamt I drank 18 shots...

    This morning I dreamt that I was going to sleep and was very happy about it.

    Dreams within dreams...

  3. Sometimes I am awake wishing I could sleep. I think I've had the dream about same...

  4. If you remember your dreams, your drinking, dope (or both) intake is too low.

  5. I tried to answer this the day it was posted and couldn't for some reason. Anyway, that day had gotten off to a shitty start and your shout-out cheered me. So thank you!
