As an added bonus, I have been able to spend some quality time with my beloved co-workers Fred and Ginger. I've also had an opportunity to model my genuine fur heated neck warmer:

That magnificent beast, perched on the shoulders of a very tired-looking (hey, 5 and a half hours of sleep!), unshaven Bastard, is Moses, who was named after basketball great Moses Malone. When Moses was a kitten, the guys would often put him in the hoods of their sweatshirts, where he'd ride around, warm and contented. While he couldn't fit in a typical sweatshirt hood now, he makes do. On one occasion, I had him ride on my shoulders for half an hour. When it's cold out, this is a great thing- he does a great job at keeping the ears warm.
Yeah, don't feel sorry for me working on Christmas... the workload is light and the company is divine.
Awww. You work wid da kitties. Kitties niiiice.
Happy Christmas!!!
You wrote about grapeleaves - I have a grapevine with beautiful reddish leaves. Can you use them for cooking anytime or only when the leaves are young?
If you have a problem with me yoinking that pic, why would you post it?
Moses supposes his toeses are roses...
Nice pic!
What a handsome couple the two of you make. :)
I love cats. :) If you couldn't spen Christmas with your family, Moses is a great consolation.
Awww. You work wid da kitties. Kitties niiiice.
Yeah, and this one is something special- he's one of the smartest cats I've ever encountered.
You wrote about grapeleaves - I have a grapevine with beautiful reddish leaves. Can you use them for cooking anytime or only when the leaves are young?
The young ones are the best, but they have to be big enough to stuff- You blanch the leaves... then parboil some rice (I do it until the rice is about halfway done), mix it up in a bowl rubbed with halved garlic cloves with olive oil and dill. You take small amounts of rice and loosely fill the grape leaves (the rice plumps up as it cooks, filling out the leaf), then stick them in a pot lined with the larger, older grape leaves (to prevent scorching of the stuffed ones), throw in a cup or two of water, then steam over low heat until the rice is tender. I eat a lot of these in the spring and early summer, because wild grapevines are ubiquitous.
If you have a problem with me yoinking that pic, why would you post it?
I hesitate to ask... that's what I get for posting my pussy pics online.
Moses supposes his toeses are roses...
And choses the hoses on which he reposes!
What a handsome couple the two of you make.
Thanks! He is a great fashion accessory, isn't he?
The observation must be made: One of those animals looks a bit like Bruce Willis.
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