Friday, June 17, 2022

Another Lap Around the Sun

It's that time of year, another successful completion of a lap around the sun...  I'm of the opinion that birthdays should be multi-day affairs, and accordingly, started celebrating last night with the bar trivia crew.  Oddly enough, tonight, the very night, will be the most low-key night.  I'm writing this at work, and don't have any real plans for the night.  Tomorrow, I'll be meeting friends for dinner and a couple of seasonally appropriate gin-and-tonics (while Chick Drink Summer is ongoing, I feel it unfair to order complicated cocktails while at a busy bar).  The festivities will continue into next week, as I coordinate with some June Baby friends... one friend asked me, "What do you have in mind?"  My answer: "A return to a semblance of normality."

When my mom called me this morning, she jokingly asked if I felt any different.  I can't say I do, but it's nice to be able to feel like I have a birthday again after two years of Nothing Much Going On.


  1. I am happy that you are here. Somehow, the thought of my friend the BBBB toiling away in the distant province of Yonkers is a good and happy thought.

  2. Happy birthday! I like your military tradition.

  3. Oh thanks spellchecker, "multiday" is NOT " military"!

  4. Happy birthday! I probably found this little blog from a Crooks and Liars Mike's Blog Roundup. A little well written window into a very particular slice of Yonkers life.
