Monday, May 23, 2022

Hey, There IS a Genocide Going On

The stated motive for the Buffalo shooter was his fear of  'white genocide', a conspiracy theory which states that Jews are trying, through immigration policies, to reduce the percentage of white people in the United States, resulting in a browner, 'more docile' population that they can control.  It's all a lot of bullshit, but there IS a genocide going on in certain regions of the US (hint: most of them).

Of course, this genocide is not being waged against white people:

“About a third of our population is African American; African Americans have a higher incidence of maternal mortality. So, if you correct our population for race, we’re not as much of an outlier as it’d otherwise appear,” Sen. Bill Cassidy said in an interview with POLITICO for the Harvard Chan School of Public Health series Public Health on the Brink. “Now, I say that not to minimize the issue but to focus the issue as to where it would be. For whatever reason, people of color have a higher incidence of maternal mortality.”

Cassidy is basically saying that African-Americans aren't 'real' members of Louisiana's population.  He has no intention of addressing maternal mortality among people of color.  This dehumanization and callousness toward death among the out group are classic features of a genocidal campaign.  The real sick thing about this is that Cassidy belongs to a party which has been pushing the white genocide nonsense.


  1. I guess that's how prohibiting abortion is supposed to work: more white babies with a side of more black women dying while pregnant or giving birth. The racists are sure that's a twofer.

  2. It's as if Republicans think we can't see and hear them, or, that they know they have the control, so they're not as discreet because they feel invulnerable.

  3. The racists are sure that's a twofer

    It's disgusting, isn't it?

    It's as if Republicans think we can't see and hear them, or, that they know they have the control, so they're not as discreet because they feel invulnerable.

    They must be stopped at all costs.

  4. The even sicker thing is that Cassidy was a physician before he found his true calling.
