Monday, April 25, 2022

Bye Bye Birdie?

The big business news of the day is that Twitter's board accepted a buyout deal from Elon Musk, though the current shareholders could always put the kibosh on the deal.  If the buyout goes through, the app will probably degenerate into a shithole.  For all of his money, Musk is a troll with the mentality of a 12 year old... he's the sort of individual who accused a genuine hero of pedophilia in a fit of pique.

I think that MAGA infiltrator Amanda Moore has the best description of what will be in store if the deal goes through:

Yeah, having the world's biggest troll in charge of a major platform is bound to make it into a, shall we say, unappealing location on the web.


I just recently signed up with the platform, because it stopped being functional for readers who didn't sign up.  I'm not saying that I would automatically leave if it gets more toxic, but it would be funny if a mass exodus of users caused Muskie to lose a shitton of money.  If an exodus does occur, though, I want to remind people that Myspace still exists.


  1. "I just recently signed up with the platform"

    And I just recently got used to having you there to chat to and seeing your photos and films :(

    Oh well, it was good while it lasted. Catch you at Wonkette!

  2. Wonder if Musk will try to appeal to demented Donnie by offering to buy his failed truth disaster and merging with twitter

  3. I dunno, folks, this isn't a done deal. Also, there are some funny ideas about how to tank the value of the site in a manner similar to the devaluation of Tumblr.

  4. Who says we have to use Twitter? I was capable of expressing my opinions before Twitter came along.
