Thursday, March 31, 2022

Trans Day of Visibility 2022

Today marks the Transgender Day of Visibility, and I am here to reiterate my support for transgender rights.  My personal credo is that everyone deserves a chance to live their lives to the fullest, as long as that doesn't interfere with the rights of others.  Gender-affirming surgery saves lives, full stop, and proposed legislation in states such as Texas, Arizona, and Florida, pushed by so-called 'pro-life' politicians, puts those individuals at risk.

Right-wingers are using anti-trans legislation as a Trojan Horse to roll back human rights on all fronts- they lost badly in the Culture War during the same-sex marriage battle, and they are looking for a do-over.  They won't stop with rolling back LGB rights, they will continue their assault against women's rights, and even seek to make interracial marriage illegal once more.  Ignore their assault on the rights of transgender individuals at your peril.

Thankfully, President Biden, who is a lot more progressive than I had hoped he'd be, articulated his support for the transgender community in the face of Republican oppression, singling out the plague of violence against transgender women of color and the need for compassionate care for transgender seniors:

Dear transpersons, you are seen, you have allies.  You are valued, you are loved. We'll beat these bigots.


  1. This is close to home. My friend was named Tomorro, or registered as Frank Zahne at his Chapter House, near Kayenta,Arizona. He was definitely a trans person.
    We didn't have words like trans, or cis, or terf. He was Tomorro. He wasn't really a he, but English has its limitations. I still thank about that person. We liked Joni Mitchell songs. We were just kids.

  2. Throughout human history, gender binaries really weren't a thing. Third gender and transgender people were acknowledged.
