Friday, March 11, 2022

Paging Dr Xavier

I'll be homeward bond in less than an hour or so- I want to avoid any right-wing convoy lunacy, and I have to be at work at midnight.  I came down to help my Mom out, and to spend some time with her and with my sister, who is staying with her until she can get re-established on the East Coast after a California sojourn.

I'm happy to report that Mom is doing fine.  She had surgery yesterday to reduce scar tissue from a previous surgery, a routine procedure done to improve comfort and range of motion,,, sort of like a cleanup, or maybe more properly, a defrag.  When I picked her up at the hospital yesterday evening, she didn't look like she had just undergone surgery.  She was alert, even coming down from general anesthesia.  For the record, Mom will turn eighty-one in July, though you'd never guess it.  

This morning, she was up and about as if it were a normal day.  None of that 'you may be stuck in bed for a couple of days' for her.  She was told not to operate heavy machinery for a few days, and she can't shower until the 13th because of the Dermabond, but regarding her medical procedure, if you didn't know, you wouldn't know.  She reported that she is in no pain

I'm starting to think that Mom is an X-Man, given her preternatural recuperative powers. 


  1. Showers are over rated. I smell nice and natural, just like i should. I shower twice a week, just like i should.
    I think if i lived to be 80 years old, i would not be worrying about showers and baths. I would not be here to placate all these crybaby generations, X Y and Z.

    I would call them .

  2. Continued comfort and healing to her, and thanks for the good news! I hope your trip home was uneventful, and that all's well at home.
