Friday, March 4, 2022

A Blink-and-You'll-Miss-It Moment in the SotU Speech

I had meant to post about Biden's State of the Union Address, but other things got in the way these past two days.  In the midst of a speech about the COVID and Ukraine crises, there was a blink-and-you'd-miss-it moment in the context of the response to the Russian invasion:

Throughout our history we’ve learned this lesson when dictators do not pay a price for their aggression they cause more chaos.   

They keep moving.   

And the costs and the threats to America and the world keep rising. 

I can't have been the only person who thought that Biden was also talking about Trump, and his reluctance to concede to the peaceful transition of power.  In light of the January 6th Select Committee alleging that Trump and his cronies engaged in a criminal conspiracy, this quote takes on added significance.  Sadly, I'm not holding my breath for Garland's DoJ to aggressively pursue members of the Trump Maladministration.  I sure hope he's taking his time because he's thorough, not because he's cowed by the idea of a political firestorm.  Merrick, take the hint from Joe, and get moving.

Needless to say, 2022 continues to be a maddening year, though back in January, I had some feeling that the second half of the year would mark some improvement.

1 comment:

  1. I read this post. I have a a comment. Why do we always have to talk about what Washington DC is doing? Why are we infested with this gang of Republican criminals? This is a big country!

    But no, we always let them have their say. That trump they love says putin is a genius. He's been pretty quiet today.

    Then, we have to listen to what Lindsay Graham said.

    Let me tell you, some opinions would blister the skin right off of your face.

    I am talking to my USA republican neighbors. You think you can just go wave the blue and yellow and call it good. Been there done that, time to move on.
