Wednesday, February 9, 2022

A Fistful of Q Drops

Every once in a while, I post about Ron Watkins, the problematic proprietor of 8Chan, probable Q drop poster, and election audit partisan.  Watkins has a new grift, he's running for Congress in Arizona's 1st congressional district, and his new ad is a doozy:

I can't even tell if he's serious or if he's trolling, but that Morriconesque soundtrack and washed-out, overexposed look add up to Pure Comedy Gold.  This is the worst Spaghetti Western I've ever seen- the Magnificent Seventeen starring in A Fistful of Q Drops.  The fact that his campaign website is CMZ Army (standing for CodeMonkeyZ Army but looking like CumZoneArmy) only makes the whole thing look more ludicrous and grotesque.

The 2022 GOP primaries are going to be a shitshow, all least there will be some comic relief now and again.


  1. after that promo, he just looks like another goofy guy.

  2. That's not even the worst Ron content (Rontent?) that's out there.

  3. Pardon my language, but who the fuck is that? "Rontent". Haha.

  4. I stopped laughing when i asked " where is Arizona 1st district?" Wait a minute, i have family and friends there. That's part of our country. We would never support this bad clown. Too many people don't vote. They think it doesn't matter. And that is how we get this crap.
