Sunday, January 23, 2022

Worst Sequel EVER!

The big news in entertainment is that there is a planned sequel to the 1983 comedy film A Christmas Story.  Here's where I note that I have never seen the entire film from start to finish, though I have seen clips of the classic scenes without the extraneous connective tissue.  

Even without having seen the whole movie, I've offered to write a sequel, So You Shot Your Eye Out, and it's going to star this guy:


Oddly enough, the film will also serve as a sequel to The Manchurian Candidate... it could also be titled All the Stupid President's Stupid Men.


  1. Never seen it either. I think you just "spoiled" it for me anyway.

  2. I just want to know why these big guys that are supposed to be such bad-asses, or at least go to great lengths to appear as if they were bad-asses, need all those guns? If they're such tough guys ...

  3. Steer clear of it, 4B. Without the presiding posthumous genius of Jean Shepherd, it's bound to be a bust.
