Friday, January 28, 2022

First Nor'easter of the 2022 Season

The weather forecast for this weekend was dire- a Nor'easter is expected to dump up to a foot of snow in the region, accompanied by gusty winds.  Some of the more dire forecasts indicate that a bomb cyclone may occur, which will produce whiteout conditions.  As I always do before a major storm hits, I gassed up the car.  In an annoying development, I could not find the shovel I typically keep in my car (you never know when you'll need to smack some asshole with a shovel), so I had to purchase a replacement, an Ames Tools long-handled square point shovel... with its compact metal head, it is more useful in chopping packed snow from around a plowed-in car, and is better configured for lifting snow than a cumbersome snow shovel, which is properly employed as a mini snowplow.  I'm not so vain to think that straining while shoveling snow is somehow 'macho'.

I had planned on heading to work this afternoon and working straight through until tomorrow morning, but my coworker took this task upon himself, for which I am grateful.  I will be returning the favor tomorrow, and if the roads are still a mess, I will rely on public transportation to travel to and from the job.  I really don't want to have to dig up the entire neighborhood in order to get a parking spot, not if I can leave my car where it is.

Tomorrow is going to be a l-o-n-g day, involving shoveling snow in the vicinity of the house, and a multi-hour commute, but right now, I am sitting snug and smug at home.  I'll pop outside for a bit to gauge the snowfall, but there's no urgency- it's not like I have to be at work at midnight.


  1. I hope you will be snug and safe. I heard it will be a big snowstorm. I have 3 favorite bloggers from your area.
    There is yourself in Yonkers, and another one in Jackson Heights,and another one in Brooklyn.
    Be safe.

  2. I prefer a long-handled coal-scoop, but I'm a short-guy. Made a lot of money, back in the day, going up to Timberline to shovel out the condos. Sometimes 10, 12 ft.

    From my current harbor/hideout, 3 miles out into what is predicted to be some of the worst of it, it's looking like why it's understandable some people don't have a lot of confidence in climate scientists and their models. I can see the seawall, 100 ft or so, and the paint on my pickup.

    It's early (depending on how you look at it), see how it goes ...

  3. I think we got about six inches in my vicinity. My upstairs neighbor and I shoveled the sidewalk in front of our place and our neighbors' place (they are vacationing somewhere warm).

  4. At the end of the day (light), on my third round of shoveling, I'm calling it 18 inches, maybe more. Funny, the wind has been such there's no need to clean the cars or the pickup. The tv weather people got this one right.
