Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Cult Members Drinking Strange Liquids?

Since early November, a breakaway QAnon cult has been camped out in Dallas, waiting for JFK Jr (and some believe even JFK Sr) to reveal that he (or they) had faked his (their) death(s) in order to thwart the evil plans of the Deep State, or the Illuminati, or the Clintons.  According to their canon, Trump is still President of the United States, and one or both of the JFKs will reveal this news, like John the Baptist, and usher in a new golden age in which the libs will be owned once and for all.

This breakaway QAnon group has been both alarming and farcical, releasing both bizarre gematria-laden videos and promising a 'Boom Week' which hints at a violent denoument in which the true believers take matters into their own hands

It's all very alarming, and it's even gotten to the stage in which cult members are drinking a bleach solution out of a communal vessel, which has a disturbing historical resonance.  It's all very problematic.

Meanwhile, at least one QAnon promoter has declared his event poison and possession free- no need to worry about cyanide or Cenobites at his shindig!  Other Qcumbers are not so lucky, believing themselves to be victims of an anthrax attack, which oddly enough has the same symptoms as COVID.  

Maybe they should have been drinking bleach...

1 comment:

  1. Back around the turn of the century there was conversation as to the proper history of "drinking the Kool-Aid"; I prefer the big barrels, but for the purposes of history agree the popular application is appropriate and in this instance indeed historically disturbing. Fergoodnesssakes, even the Rainbow Tribe avoids ...
