Sunday, October 3, 2021

Bookended by Dumbfucks

Yesterday, everything went smoothly during our Fall fundraiser, except for two minor blips, one at the beginning of the evening, one at the end.

Our first performance of our program took place at 6:30PM.  As usual, we lined up ticket holders and asked them to have their tickets (electronic or otherwise) available for scanning- each ticket has a QR Code, and we can scan peoples' smartphones, or for traditionalists, printed tickets.  This process went smoothly, and everyone was lovely, but I saw a couple try to sneak past the 'gate' with two dogs (forbidden onsite).  They cut through a small grove of lilac bushes, and I cut them off at the pass.  

I bellowed, "That is not an entrance, turn around now!"

The woman decided to go full-blown 'Karen' on me, "Jesus-"

I didn't have time for her BS, I yelled, "SHUT UP!  Leave!"

In a quieter tone of voice, I said, "I don't want to have to involve the authorities."

She got the hint.  The coworker I was with thought the whole exchange was the height of comedy.

For the record, I left the house at 8:45 in the morning for my volunteer gig, and wasn't exactly in a patient mood.

The event went well, the performers are old pros, the Manager on Duty (a new hire this year) learned the ropes well on yesterday's opening day, and is a great guy to work with.  The crowds for the three performances were great.  

At the end of the night, around 11PM, after setting the alarm and locking the buildings, it was just myself and our custodial contractor, a young lady who I consider a close personal friend, having come to know her very well over the past two years.  We were preparing to walk the path to the parking lot, when two guys walked down the path towards us... obviously, they had come in through the yet-unlocked entrance gate.

"We're closed!"

"Can we just see the main building?"

"No, we don't keep nightclub hours."

"Is it that light over there?"

"No, it's not visible from here.  You have to leave, there are tickets available for tomorrow."

They were nice enough, and left without an argument, though they really should not have been on site at all.  Funny how a modicum of respect will get you less harsh treatment that brazen disregard for procedure followed by an urge to argue.  Ain't nobody got time for that bullshit... especially not this time of year.