Saturday, August 7, 2021

A Crime Against Humanity

Today's infuriating news is the revelation that more than sixty-five thousand doses of COVID-19 vaccines in Alabama have expired while only about 35% of the population has been fully vaccinated.  These doses of vaccine would have been appreciated in the developing world.

To underscore the monstrousness of this waste, workers in developing countries, the very workers who make the consumer goods so beloved of Americans, are making terrible sacrifices to work in the COVID-plagued world:


I've had it with the anti-vaccine cohort in this country, and consider the authorities in Alabama who allowed this wasteful behavior to be guilty of a crime against humanity- they should have arranged an airlift of soon-to-expire doses to a more deserving people.

The crazy thing about these anti-vax right wingers is that they honestly believe they'd win the civil war that they so desperately yearn for.

Tip of the hat to Tengrain, who is so thorough in documenting this depravity.


  1. "The crazy thing about these anti-vax right wingers is that they honestly believe they'd win the civil war that they so desperately yearn for."

    Their ideological ancestors (and, I suspect, in many cases, their genetic ancestors) believed the same thing in 1861.
