Thursday, June 10, 2021

Decided to Make This Science Fiction Week: Gohmert Style

Yesterday's post concerned Stupid Time Travel, with a convoluted temporal paradox plot involving 'Q Team' and a bad-guy Ulysses S Grant... I figured that this would be a good opportunity to declare the remainder of the week Science Fiction Week, or more properly Stupid Science Fiction Week. In today's installment, we have planetary science day, courtesy of the stupidest man in Congress. 

I've been ignoring Louie Gohmert of Texas, being distracted by the newer, shinier object that is Marjorie Taylor Greene. This is unfair to Gohmert, who is actually stupider than Greene. Here's Gohmert, proposing a plan for the Bureau of Land Management or National Forest Service to mitigate climate change:

Yeah, that's Gohmert proposing that BLM or the forestry service change the course of the Earth or the moon in order to combat climate change. Sure, even if it were possible, it would be vastly more costly than promoting renewable energy sources to reduce our carbon footprint, but that's not how Republicans operate. Far better to let the fossil fuel industry keep on pumping carbon into the atmosphere while pumping limitless funds into some harebrained scheme to shift the planet's orbit. 

Now, a normal human with a functioning brain would enlist BLM and the forestry service to engage in reforestation projects to capture carbon in the form of trees, while limiting extractive industries which add to atmospheric carbon, but Gohmert is not a normal human with a functioning brain. I'm looking forward to Gohmert's plan to enlist the Space Force in a planetary seed-dispersal/reforestation program... because that would make perfect Gohmert-sense.


  1. SMH, once again. Also at the questioner who did nothing.

  2. Hello Big Bald Bastard. I forgot all about that Gohmert guy. Thanks, i guess, for reminding me. Where do they find these people? But yes, Marjorie Taylor Greene is the shiniest object out there. Good grief.

  3. Maybe Gohmert confused after reading Jack McDevitt's excellent novel MOONFALL...

    ...Oh wait, I'm guessing that Gohmert didn't read that novel, much less anything that's science fiction.

  4. This is a job for.....


  5. SMH, once again. Also at the questioner who did nothing.

    I'm pretty sure she's a whacko on a whacko platform.

    Hello Big Bald Bastard. I forgot all about that Gohmert guy. Thanks, i guess, for reminding me. Where do they find these people? But yes, Marjorie Taylor Greene is the shiniest object out there. Good grief

    I think Koch Industries genetically engineers them.

    Oh wait, I'm guessing that Gohmert didn't read that novel, much less anything that's science fiction.

    I bet even Space Raptor Butt Invasion is above his reading level.


