Wednesday, April 28, 2021


Pfizer-Man, Pfizer-Man

Double dose is the Pfizer plan. 

Second jab, in the arm. 

Now I feel safe from harm, 

Oh, yeah, I am the Pfizer-Man. 

Did it hurt? No, siree! 

Just a prick, but no agony. 

If it hurts, what is pain, 

Compared to life again? 

Oh, yeah, call me the Pfizer-Man 

Today, I received my second dose of vaccine, and I currently feel fine. The worst feeling post-jab was discovering after the fact that the current vaccination model doesn't necessitate a trip to one's original vaccination site. Yeah, I probably could have gone to a location in Yonkers, but I figure that not messing with a sure thing was worth the road trip to Middletown, NY. 

I have to say that having the second inoculation under my belt, by which I mean under my skin, is a good feeling... inocelation is how I put it.  Now, it's a matter of drinking a lot of water and waiting for any possible side effects to kick in.  In a couple of weeks, I figure I'll buy a new MTA Metrocard and get my ass to Chinatown for a day out.

Post title taken from this cartoon classic theme.


  1. Ain't it great? I got my 2d Moderna a week ago. Itchy arm again, and also muscle tightness there a few days, but yippee-one more week!

  2. It's such a relief to have it done. I figure that, in two weeks, I'll head down to Chinatown for a long overdue day.
