Wednesday, April 21, 2021

And You'll Know that They Are Christians by Their Love

Predictably, the latest right-wing culture war, the war on transpersons, has taken a disturbingly violent turn, as bigots inundate Kai Shippley, a 4th grade transgender student in Texas, with death threats.  Kai made the national news when she testified in front of the Texas state Senate, making a case for her mere existence:

Young Ms Shippley's testimony showed eloquence beyond her years, indeed a maturity beyond that of the assholes who would attack her for her gender identity.  She also had the savvy to turn Senator Charles Perry's religious excuse for bigotry against him, saying,""God made me. God loves me for who I am, and God does not make mistakes." Well played, Kai!

Now cue the violent rhetoric from online psychos:

I'm sure that the legislators who are making things more difficult for kids in transition all claim that they are 'protecting the children', never mind that they are the ones putting targets on the backs of young people like Kai Shippley. 

The right-wingers lost the battle against same-sex marriage, and this war on transpersons is the new front in their culture war. I have no doubt that they would see harm to Kai and those like her as 'collateral damage'. The bigots are losing, they've been losing for the past quarter-century, and we'd better make damn sure that they lose this battle as well, because if they succeed, they will have no qualms about revisiting the old fronts of their culture war. 

Post title is a sarcastic usage of a line from a Christian ecumenical hymn.

1 comment:

  1. "...we'd better make damn sure that they lose this battle as well, because if they succeed, they will have no qualms about revisiting the old fronts of their culture war."

    ^This. Plus we need to call out their hypocrisy and point out that they sure as hell aren't "Christian", especially in their treatment of this child (surely they would remember that Christ spoke out strongly against those who would abuse children...and what they are doing to Kai IS abuse).

    We must also turn out in elections to continue to hammer the right wingers. This is not the time to turn into petulant, "both parties are the same!" moaners. It's been pretty damned obvious for years that there is one party that, while flawed, wants to help, and the other just wants to destroy everything.
