Tuesday, February 9, 2021

A Most Historic Occasion

 MAGA diehards often described Donald Trump as a 'historic' president, even though he was the 44th white president, and the 2nd failson president in the 21st century alone... Trump's one great historic achievement was becoming the first president to get impeached twice, with his second impeachment trial moving forward today.

Evan Hurst of Wonkette took on the unenviable task of liveblogging the impeachment proceedings.  The main defense strategy of Trump's defense team is asserting that he cannot be impeached because he is a private citizen, even though the initial impeachment process was started in the House while he was still squatting in the White House.

Representative Jamie Raskin, of Maryland's testimony was an emotional tour de force, detailing the fear that his family members felt as they hear the sound of insurrectionists, incited by Trump, battering on doors in the Capitol.  This is the testimony which will be remembered from this day, from this impeachment trial.

The other memorable moment from today's proceeding was Trump lawyer Bruce Castor advising the Democrats to have Trump arrested by the DoJ, rather than impeached.  This is the kind of legal representation that you get when you have a history of not paying his legal bills.

At the end of the day, fifty-six senators voted to proceed with the impeachment trial, though I am not optimistic about a two-thirds majority of the Senate voting to convict Trump.  It's going to be a long week, though.


  1. I believe that this whole impeachment thing is political theater. The former president should be on trial for dereliction of duty and negligent homicide causing the death of 400,000 US citizens during this pandemic. Instead the Democrats, who are just as repulsive as the Republicans, are impeaching the former president for inciting a riot. Meanwhile Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not giving Medicare for all or financial aid to the working class and poor people in this country. In fact they are lying and rolling back their campaign promises in order to enrich themselves. This is America.

  2. Instead the Democrats, who are just as repulsive as the Republicans, are impeaching the former president for inciting a riot.

    Have you even seen what passes for a Republican these days? I don't see any Democrats threatening their political rivals with bodily harm.

    Meanwhile Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not giving Medicare for all or financial aid to the working class and poor people in this country.

    We have to keep the pressure on the Democrats. Biden and Harris probably want a legislative fix to the medical coverage disaster, I don't know to what extent Biden can just use an executive order to lower the minimum Medicare age to zero. Again, it is up to us to impose our will on our elected officials to get them to represent us well. In my district, a longtime incumbent, a decent enough rep, was voted out in the primary. Other voters in other districts can do the same.
