Sunday, January 17, 2021

There's a Kind of Hush...

All over the land today. Thankfully, the long-dreaded militia demonstrations in DC and all fifty state capitals never quite panned out today. There were a few half-hearted, poorly attended events here and there, but on the whole, there was, as Herman's Hermits sang, a kind of hush all over the land today.

 Obviously, when twenty-thousand National Guard troops are bivouacked at the Capitol and various state police and National Guard units are deployed at state capitals, the tough-talking wannabe warriors punk out. One of the most vocal proponents of armed insurrection on social media purported to be a retired Lieutenant Colonel but turned out to be a schmuck in Texas who never served the public in any capacity... proving once again that righties love stolen valor more than anything. An armed insurrection against the Big Battalions is a non-starter among the tough talkers, though the typical 'lone wolves' might show up.

 On January 6th, the MAGA Morons flew, like Stupid Icarus, too close to the sun, and a lot of them are in, in technical terms, Deep Doo Doo. The general consensus among temporarily chastened right-wingers was that today's planned uprisings were a trap set by the Feds

My sincere hope is that the 6th was an anomaly, a failure that will make mass-scale right-wing demonstrations untenable for the near future. I have no doubt that there will be continuous low-scale violence, analogous to The Troubles, but the cynic in me notes that such a situation wouldn't be all that different from the undercurrent of gun violence that has plagued this nation for decades.


  1. >>I have no doubt that there will be continuous low-scale violence, analogous to The Troubles, but the cynic in me notes that such a situation wouldn't be all that different from the undercurrent of gun violence that has plagued this nation for decades.<<

    Alas, BBBB, gun violence in the U.S. killed 38,390 human beings in 2018, the most recent year for which data are available, according to Wikipedia. So much for "low scale." If Maga adds another 38,000, most Americans will feel as if we're living in a war zone. I do not find this to be a tolerable prospect.

    Yours very crankily,
    The New York Crank

  2. Point taken. I never knew I would be living in a Stiff Little Fingers song.
