Friday, December 25, 2020

As Merry as it Can Be

 Here's wishing everyone a merry Christmas, as merry as it can be in this terrible, horrible, no good year.  Here in the NYC metro area, the holiday began with a tropical storm- gale force winds and torrential rain, so the drive home from work was no picnic.  It was good sleeping weather, though.

When I awoke, I texted back and forth with siblings, called mom, and texted various friends and relatives.  Everyone seemed to be in good spirits, though the general tone was that we'd throw insane parties when this plague ends.

I decided on a fancy-yet-simple dinner, luckily I found a nice steak on sale at the supermarket a couple of nights ago.  Plated with mashed potatoes, pureed celery root, and Swiss chard sautéed with garlic and red onion, it formed a nicely balanced meal.  While dining, I listened to a reading of a slightly abridged version of "A Christmas Carol", a novella I read every other year.  It should be required reading for all policy makers, especially in fraught times like this year.  

I have to go to work at midnight, so I'll probably nod off and nap when I finish this post.  I'm used to the sort of raucous Christmases typical of a large family, so a Noel nap seems a bit off, but it's appropriate for this strange, solo Christmas.  I can hold out for a big summertime blast in six months.  

Merry Christmas, stay safe, be well.  May 2021 be the best present EVER.


  1. Merry Xmas, BBBB. Quiet and safe is the way to be this year. Hope 2021 brings much better things

  2. It's sounding like your Christmas weekend is going well. You be well and stay safe, too, and a happy, happy 2021 to you, too!
