Friday, November 6, 2020


 I was in the waiting area of a local automotive repair shop while having a tire replaced when I saw the results on the TV- Pennsylvania and Georgia were called for Biden/Harris.  The agonizingly slow vote count was over, and Sleepy Joe (because he won't keep you up at night) had the 270 electoral votes to win the presidency.

Women of color, particularly African-American women, saved the day.  The faced the usual voter suppression tactics favored by the GOP: polling sites closed, voting machines in short supply... this year, even the postal service was tampered with.  Nevertheless, they persisted.   In particular, Stacey Abrams played a heroic role in the protection of votes in Georgia.  This is just as much her win as Biden's.  I hereby pledge not to forget the role of these brave, persistent women in the fight against an incipient fascist movement.  I suspect that the mainstream media will spend more time seeking out MAGA dead enders to interview on their interminable Cletus safaris, but I'm a liberal, so I will remember.

The fight is not over, not by a long shot, but the end is in sight.  It's now up to us to stay engaged, to exhort others to stay engaged.  That being said, I think I will take the rest of the evening as an opportunity to indulge in some well-earned Schadenfreude.


  1. I hope Stacey Abrams continues with a prominent role in the Biden administration.

  2. She really deserves a National position. She'd make a great DNC chair, the party needs a fighter.

  3. Schadenfruede...that’s what my 24yo daughter posted today...just the one word lol.
