Monday, October 19, 2020

Playing Greatest Hits for Biggest Shits

 Oh, yeah, the right wing noise machine is at it again, trying to recapture that 2016 high with a lurid story about Hunter Biden's laptop, basically rehashing the Anthony Wiener laptop story.  The evidence free conspiracy theories are all of a kind- this new one even alleges that, besides incriminating evidence of collusion with China, there is video of Hunter Biden torturing and molesting children.  This is just like the Wiener laptop hard drive, reputed to have contained a video of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin cutting a child's face off before sacrificing her to  obtain her sweet, sweet adrenochrome.

It's lazy and stupid, but these are lazy and stupid people.  The supposed source of the data is a Trump supporter with a sketchy story about obtaining the data on Biden's drives, and the promoter of the story is Rudy Giuliani... even convicted felon Bernie Kerik is trying to recapture his fifteen minutes of fame by jumping on this lurid fantasy, tailor-made for the QAnon crowd.  The reporters at Rupert Murdoch's New York Post tried to keep their names off the byline. Flimsy evidence be damned, though, idiots have been spreading it on social media.

Like the Hillary/Huma video, evidence of Biden's crimes will never come to light, since it's all made-up nonsense.  That being said, Hunter Biden has lost my vote!


  1. Lazy and stupid, maybe. How about nauseating? The glee that people put into coming up with this dreck fills me with a kind of fatigued horror.

    On a cheerfuller note,I too found a woolly bear caterpillar, yesterday afternoon in our basement. (How wildlife gets down there is something of a mystery.) Its wide brown band looked like the band on your tiny one. Maybe shoveling will only be needed a few times this winter.

  2. Yep, still waiting for the Michele Obama "whitey" tape too.

  3. And yet some right-wing blogs and even news sites are taking this completely seriously. They're living full-time in a lurid fever dream now. And when nothing ever comes of the story in the real world, they'll just attribute it to a fiendish cover-up by the vast Deep State.

    I think it shows desperation, though. If they had anything real to use against Biden, they wouldn't be resorting to rubbish like this.

  4. It seems as if whatever bar association Giuliani is a member of would be bothering him about legal stuff like evidence and turning that over to law enforcement, and other such stuff that licensed lawyers, as officers of the courts, are obliged to do. (Yeah, not a perfect sentence. These people make my brains scramble.) Or at least to turn it over to DoJ. I can't imagine why they'd prefer it went into a tabloid instead of the criminal justice system.
    (ok, sarcasm off.)

  5. Lazy and stupid, maybe. How about nauseating? The glee that people put into coming up with this dreck fills me with a kind of fatigued horror.

    Sensei always said, "When you point your finger at someone, three fingers point back at you." It's all projection. Congrats on the woolly bear, I really love the little critters.

    Yep, still waiting for the Michele Obama "whitey" tape too.

    Chief Editor Korir is still standing us up after all these years.

    They're living full-time in a lurid fever dream now. And when nothing ever comes of the story in the real world, they'll just attribute it to a fiendish cover-up by the vast Deep State.

    They're not even living on the same planet anymore.

    It seems as if whatever bar association Giuliani is a member of would be bothering him about legal stuff like evidence and turning that over to law enforcement, and other such stuff that licensed lawyers, as officers of the courts, are obliged to do.

    If child abuse is involved, he has a duty to report it.
