Saturday, October 3, 2020

I Can Come up with a Conspiracy Theory Too

The fever swamp denizens who believe COVID-19 is a hoax have ideas about why Trump is in Walter Reed, and they are a doozy: I can play the conspiracy theory game too! I propose that Barron Trump, boy genius, manipulated his father and three eldest siblings into contracting the 'rona so he can grab all of the family assets and liquidate them before his deadbeat dad's debts come due. He will then put the money in an offshore account, emigrate to Slovenia, and become a lounge lizard. It's as plausible as any other account of this turdnado.


  1. Good Morning!

    i have read your work for years, here in canada, and had to comment on this piece - brilliant! it speaks to me in style and content...christie, grrr...anyhow, i shared you with my blog friends years ago and now share you with my twitter friends so - thank you and keep up the great work! love your science stuff, too. take care, mr. bad!


    ps i have forsaken capitals as male-ego constructs.
    have a great day!

  2. it appears i have commented at the wrong post. my bad. details do matter.
