Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Early Voting Foray

 Today, I decided to see if this early voting thing, just implemented in New York State last year, was for me...  I had every intention to get up this morning and hit Eastern Yonkers' early voting site, the Grinton I. Will Library, before the polls opened at noon (they stagger the hours, alternating between 8AM-4PM and Noon-8PM).  I confess, though, that my discipline was sub-par today.  I didn't leave the house until about 4PM, and by the time I arrived at the library, the parking lot was full and there were two lines snaking around the building, one to the right of the entrance and into the parking lot, and one to the left of the entrance and along the sidewalk.  An enterprising entrepreneur had parked a food truck on the street outside the library.

I had thought to vote exactly a week before Election Day to make some sort of statement, but I now believe that voting on Election Day itself might be the soundest move- I've never had to wait more than fifteen minutes to vote at my usual polling place.  That's how it goes in a majority white, majority middle-class neighborhood.  I don't have to start work at 5AM on Election Day, so I can just pop in around 6AM and have plenty of time to get to work.

At any rate, voting against the Asshole-in-Chief is going to be an immense source of satisfaction.


  1. Waitaminnit. Hold my beer. You didn't vote yet?

  2. Where i live, i got my ballot on the 17th October. I spent the whole Sunday agonizing over it. The big choices were easy, because i hate that monster and his minions and suck ups and the whole lot of them.
    But then i realized i wasn't done.
    I had to review the ammendments to our state constitution.
    It got confusing. There were 7 to consider. I was beginning to feel sick and dizzy. But because i am fighting for my country, i persisted.
    But when they started to try their bullshit on water rights, funding for education, and wildlife, i voted no.
    This time, i voted not to retain any of the judges. It was probably a stupid move, but i figure that they are complicit.

  3. Early voting is a new thing here in NY. I've never had a problem with in-person voting on Election day, so I will carry on as usual. The polls are three blocks from home, and each Ward/District has its own dedicated machine.
