Thursday, October 1, 2020


A couple of posts ago, I wrote about the Trump fans' accusations that Biden would use performance enhancing drugs in the upcoming debate with their God-Emperor. Well, those relatively mundane conspiracy theories now pale in comparison with the more outré theories about Biden being electronically enhanced. First off, we have the relatively normal notion that Biden had a wire feeding him audio information: The more exotic idea is that Biden was wearing Augmented Reality contact lenses that projected information through his pupils: The idea of a Cyberbiden has an undeniable appeal: If the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't come out with a Scranton expansion pack, I will be most upset. I can't wait 'til Kamala Harris reveals her retractable razor nails.


  1. Wow. Just, wow. It seems as if people would be too busy living life to come up with this stuff about real humans. They should write fanfic for $$; maybe they'd be happier people!

  2. How the hell do you use those contact lenses without your eye crossing all the time?

    Trump went out there determined to ignore and break all the rules, trying to get Biden angry enough to stutter. Biden would have expected something like that, so no way would he want the distraction of an ear piece or anything else while trying to focus.

    These people are loons, very very stupid loons.

  3. They should write fanfic for $$; maybe they'd be happier people!

    They are writing fanfic for $$. The bigger influencers all have Patreon pages or are pushing merch, including 'medical bleach'.

    How the hell do you use those contact lenses without your eye crossing all the time?


  4. That wasn't Biden. He's been cloned like all those Hollywood libs. The real Biden was executed at Guantanamo by a Trump Tribunal.

    Also Ruth Bader Ginsburg "died" so all those people would gather in the Rose Garden, which had already been sprayed with Chinese Death Virus. Notice there were no Democrats present? RBG is on Elvis Island. I could tell you where it is, but Q would execute me, too.

    It's so clear when you have all the facts.
