Monday, September 7, 2020

It's a Living

 For years, I've worked on Labor Day.  It's not as if I lack class solidarity, it just tends to be a cushy day for me.  I actually arrived early in order to meet up with my upstairs neighbors, who I had obtained staff tickets for.   I revealed my big secret, that work is pretty easy, but then I've never complained about the job.

It's been an afternoon of watching the ospreys (coincidentally the name of my 13 year old neighbor's soccer team) and the turkeys... and one of the kids found a praying mantis.  Yeah, kids, this is my job, once my duties are performed.  I will forward your resumes to HR in a few years

I also spent some time with a visitor who had recently lost her job, handling event logistics for large public sporting events, such as the NYC Marathon, to the COVID-19 crisis.  I will forward her resume to HR in a few days.

Right now,, everyone has gone, and it's just me and the critters .  I still have an hour on the job... it's work, on Labor Day, but it's not laborious.


  1. Your works sounds largely blissful :)

  2. Largely. The times when I camp out with no heat or electricity during and after a hurricane are the dues I pay for the blissful times.
