Monday, August 24, 2020

Night One of the Freak Show

 I just got in from having dinner and a couple of beers with friends, and made the mistake of putting on the Republican convention.  It's funny to hear Steve Scalise talking about the low unemployment numbers under Trump when about ten percent of the population is out of work.  I decided to turn off the livestream, no need to bump up the ratings

The Wonkette peanut gallery is providing a live-ish play-by-play, and the redoubtable Aaron Rupar is pulling out the whackiest soundbites... I hope he gets hazard pay!  I mean, listen to this lunacy:

Human sex drug traffickers? Is there a black market for imported Cialis? I think I'll watch the postmortems tomorrow, no need to bump up the ratings with my peepers... Trump is obsessed with ratings. It's not like this convention will feature quality musical interludes or touching stories that aren't complete bullshit. If I wanted a freak show, it would be this one: At least that freak show doesn't last for four nights. UPDATE: Jesus Christ, why do I do this to myself? I just had to dip back into the maelstrom of madness: I must be a glutton for punishment.


  1. "why do I do this to myself?"

    I sure as hell won't. I have much more fun reading snarky tweets and comments about it.

  2. because your name is Anathema Device, which is very awesome, so how could it be otherwise?

  3. The postmortem is pretty damn funny, though the original was unbearable.

  4. We totally avoided it, except for Colbert's commentary later on, and today I'm reading my favorite bloggers's commentary. It's all much better that way. It irritated me yesterday; they broke in to daytime programming to show DJT accepting his party's nom, along with the usual stuff that comes out of his mouth when he gets a mic and a camera these days. Then they reviewed every lie along with providing the correct fact, which was a nice change I've noticed recently. But, IMO, it'd been nicer if they'd made him wait until the alloted convention airtime, instead of giving him the free time yet again. Ah, well.
