Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Loomer Lunacy Looming

Amid the downward spiral of the GOP into the Maelstrom of Madness, perhaps no event is more significant than the Florida 21st District primary victory of Laura Loomer, bigot, conspiracy theorist, and all-around whackadoodle.  I covered Loomer's idiotic stage-crashing at the Shakespeare in the Park production of Julius Caesar, featuring a Trump look-alike in the title role.  Not only has Loomer been banned from Shakespeare in the Park, she's been banned from multiple social media platforms, as well as Uber and Lyft, for her anti-muslim fanaticism, she's had multiple public breakdowns regarding these bans:


That video should make for an interesting opposition ad. 

Perhaps Loomer's greatest public self-own, even greater than her wooing of a neo-nazi, was the protest which had her chain herself to one door of Twitter's NYC headquarters, allowing the unfettered entrance and exit of Twitter employees.  Two hours later, the NYPD had to free her with bolt cutters because she had to pee, and hadn't provided herself with food or drink.  This is the sort of forward thinking we need from an elected representative.  There was also her bizarre trip to Minnesota with a couple of other grifters to hunt down information proving that Representative Ilhan Omar is a sinister, anti-American schemer.

Thankfully, the district in which Loomer is running is overwhelmingly Democratic, leading some wags to speculate that her run is a cynical cash-in, or even just an attempt to force Twitter to re-instate her, which isn't going to happen.  At any rate, the impossible actually occurred, and 2020 actually became even stupider.


  1. "At any rate, the impossible actually occurred, and 2020 actually became even stupider."

    And we still have more than four months.

    Maybe the Yellowstone super volcano will erupt. That would be completely on brand for this sucktastic year.

  2. I know Giant Meteor has its adherents as well.

  3. I love watching someone who would ban millions of people from making a living (or even living in this country) because of their religion or their political beliefs losing her shit and weeping how everybody's making it hard for her to make a living.

    I mean, ruining a night at the theater for hundreds of people because her political point is more valuable than the enjoyment they paid for — or Shakespeare himself — is just the tip of the iceberg.

    If she's having trouble making a living she could try an honest job. Like washing dishes.

    Personally — call it sang froid because that's what it is—I look forward to Laura becoming homeless. Perhaps I'll encounter her on the subway one night, muttering loudly about injustice while she scratches her own flea bites.

    Yours with extreme crankiness,
    The New York Crank

  4. I think we've entered into a new generation of crazy. The first gen were the cynics who mouthed all the right catchphrases but viewed the rubes with contempt (Gingrich). Next gen, we have the true believers who truly bought the b.s. (Evil Opie from OK) and the grifters. Now, we have the rabid fanatics where nothing is a step too far. These guys truly scare me.
