Saturday, August 29, 2020

I Rand So Far Away

There's a spurious quote, attributed to Thomas Jefferson and beloved of right-wingers: "When Government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." I cut and pasted it from some Ron Paul website.  It usually gets bandied about when a bunch of armed right-wingers gather to protest some perceived government overreach.  I find it hypocritical when Rand Paul, Ron Paul's equally disgusting right-wing son, complains about being chased by an angry mob.  Shouldn't this scene warm the cockles of every right-winger's heart?

This is the sort of America they've always claimed to want!  Rand Paul should be ecstatic.  I am reminded of his hypocrisy regarding the shooting of Steve Scalise... a shooting that perfectly encapsulated the 'Second Amendment Solution' that guys like Rand Paul always drone on about.  That Second Amendment is not to shoot deer.  Rand Paul and his followers should support the people who made him, a representative of the government, fearful. 

Post title taken from the music of my youth.


  1. Oh look, he's in utter danger of being insulted for a few minutes by people demanding justice.

    I wipe one single crystalline tear away in pity.

    What a wanker.

  2. Their rhetoric is so tough, but they always cry when confronted.

  3. The Tree of Liberty really needs some Rand Paul mulch spread around the base of the trunk.

  4. You are spot-on. I am avowed anti-violent, as most of us are, but you are spot-on with this post.
