Sunday, August 9, 2020

Hating the New Interface

The boffins at Google, in their infinite wisdom, decided to, for the second time in the ten and three-quarters years I've been blogging, 'upgrade' the user interface.  Frankly, I don't dig it.  There are two 'views' in the 'new post' screen, a 'compose' view and a 'HTML' view... and neither of them is good.  Looking at my past two posts, a reader can see the problems, with one have broken HTML links and the other having an outsized image.  Perhaps it's my unfamiliarity with the interface, but it just seems like there is less authorial control over posts.

The real problem that I have encountered is a seeming incompatibility of the two 'view' modes... trying to fix a paragraph break issue resulting from the HTML mode in compose mode resulted in the broken hyperlinks.  Adding an image in compose mode resulted in less control over layout than in the previous interface.

I imagine the blog will be looking pretty damn ugly over the next few weeks, as I figure out the workarounds needed to make the blog look like 'legacy mode'.  The legacy interface can be reverted to until September, but that is just delaying the inevitable.

I will defer to Danny Aiello to describe my opinion:

Just to embed that video, I had to toggle between the compose and HTML modes... and I'm still trying to figure out how to embed links in the HTML mode. I guess I'm getting what I've been paying for, though.


  1. Blogger always sucked. Wordpress got better and better...until they lost their minds and turned everything into a Javascript nightmare.

    In other words, I hear ya, Mr Bastard :)

  2. I think we're all in the same boat here. Smoke signals would be easier...

  3. Why not write in compose mode and just check for links/sizing/spacing in preview?

  4. It'll take some practice, mikey. It'll take some practice.
