Thursday, June 4, 2020

Wolverine's Trashy Brother

I have a general rule of thumb which has served me well... if you are going to do something that will draw the public eye, don't look ridiculous while doing it. With this in mind, we have the story of a guy in Queens who menaced some kids while brandishing an outlandish weapon. The weapon, which looks to be a four-bladed 'sci-fi' take, albeit a stupid one, on the classic Indian katar:

D00d looks like Wolverine's trashy brother, Glutton.

Because the guy exited his vehicle to pursue his Marvel Stupid Universe fantasy, his license plate was recorded and he was apprehended. Predictably, he has had prior run-ins with the authorities... this is what happens when you don't have a Professor Charles Xavier keeping tabs on your behavior.


  1. Man, that guy looks stupid! What do you suppose he has that weird knife-y contraption because he was unable to legally purchase or possess a gun (?).

  2. That has to be one of the top ten most pathetic things I've ever seen. What a wanker.

    He's even too goofy to be genuinely intimidating. That 'weapon' looks way too heavy and unwieldy.

    What do you suppose he has that weird knife-y contraption because he was unable to legally purchase or possess a gun (?).

    Gun permits are very hard to get in NYC, and he has prior run-ins with the law. It turned out that the guy with the bow who disrupted the SLC rally had a felony on his record, so he couldn't own a gun. I guess all of these guys are coming out of the woodwork.
