Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Happy Social Distancing Day

It was about half of our usual Bar Trivia crew, out together for the first time in three months and one week. Yeah, the last time I went to a bar to drink was on March 10. I largely remember the date because it was a week before the Solemn Feast of St Patrick and three days after the close of the 'academic year' at my volunteer coaching gig, with its attendant luncheon. Anyway, we got together tonight at our usual spot, where half of the parking lot had been transformed into an open-air dining area. The one fly in the ointment is the lack of draft beer options, but it's after Memorial Day, so gin-and-tonics were the order of the evening. Thankfully, tonic water is still available, despite having been rumored to be a possible 'Rona cure.

Two of us were celebrating our birthdays. I have about five friends who are June babies, and one of my uncles celebrates his birthday on the 20th. We all texted birthday wishes to each other, and we might meet up for dinner on Friday. One of the villages in the county is closing off Main St (not the main street in town, as is typical these days) to motor vehicles so the local restaurants can set up tables for outdoor dining. It's nice to see that, in response to a pandemic, at least one town has initiated a 'piazza culture' sorely lacking here in the 'States.

At any rate, it was a welcome change from living like a hermit for the past three months, and that is perhaps the best birthday present of all... I have my health and my friends, what more could a birthday boy ask for?


  1. Happy birthday, and yes, it's nice to be able to socialise again.

  2. Oh, how nice! And, happy birthday to you, and all, too!

  3. Fixed the headline for you;
    Big Bad Bald Bastard's Birthday Bash at Bar

    Was it in the Bronx by any chance?

  4. Thanks, everybody! Nah, it was actually Hartsdale, NY. I really need to get my ass to the Rambling House on Katonah Avenue in Woodlawn sometime soon.
