Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Coming at the Queen of Daytime

I can't say that I'm a fan of Oprah Winfrey, mainly because she provides a platform for terrible WOO-slingers. With that caveat out of the way, I believe that she is a decent person who came from impoverished means and is grateful for the mega-success she has achieved. It was pretty weird seeing her trend on Twitter in the wee hours of the morning, for most bizarre reasons:

Ah, yes, late in the 'States means working hours in Russia, so I believe that this trend was amplified by Russian trolls, but it originated with a homegrown whackaloon, a sovereign citizen type who claimed to have video of a raid on Oprah's home in Key West:

Unbeknownst to most of us, this weirdo has been fighting for the freedom of our asses:

I, for one, am grateful that my ass is free, even at the cost of a hit on Oprah's reputation. I have to think, though, that this ass-freedom fighter is going to be in a world of hurt soon, because the Queen of Daytime Television, or someone on her communications team, has become aware of his character assassination attempt:

It's about time that someone lowered the boom on these maniacs, who are so quick to level accusations of child abuse at their perceived enemies. Oprah has deep pockets and a broad fanbase, so she is exactly the person to squash the trolls who are accusing her of the most heinous crimes imaginable. If she can accomplish this, I'll consider myself a fan, WOO platforming notwithstanding.

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