Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Flight of Stupid Icarus

There are those of us who fly to Empyrean heights while others trudge through the mud and muck. The peril, though, is that these heroes can fly too close to the Sun, which is small, close to the Earth, and trapped within the dome of the firmament. Such a hero was Stupid Icarus, aka 'Mad' Mike Hughes, who died as he lived, launching himself into the wild blue yonder in a steam-powered homemade rocket in another attempt to prove that the Earth is flat:

It seems as if his grasp of aeronautical/astronautical engineering was a sound as his grasp of astronomy and geology. Protip: steampunk is a genre of fiction.

There's something to be said, though, about dying in the pursuit of one's passions... it beats, say, dying of starvation in the gutter. Sure, he didn't contribute anything to the sum total of human knowledge (besides a cautionary tale to wannabe daredevils), but the world needs its Quixotes.

This one's for Mad Mike:

Just, like, pretend the song is stupid...

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