Wednesday, January 1, 2020

A Clear Vision for 2020

Now that 2020 is upon us, it's time to create a clear vision for the year. Obviously, the number one priority for decent Americans is to vote the cretinous creep in the White House out of office. The idea that some Trump supporters are itching for a civil war makes this even more imperative. I don't think that the bulk of the MAGA people will get off of their duffs to start anything, but I have no doubt that some 'lone wolf' dead-enders will be up to some mischief. At any rate, I think 2020 is going to be a Very Stupid Year.

One somewhat disconcerting feeling that needles me at times is the challenge posed by the rise in hate crimes. I thought I was pretty well insulated from this madness, but the mass-knifing in Monsey, across the river, has caused me to take pause. I don't think that I, personally, would be targeted for a hate crime (being cis, white, hetero, and tough-looking), but I am once again forced to consider what I would do if things got bad for people I know... one comment I saw on a recent story about the Monsey attack was 'who am I going to have to hide in my attic?'

2020 is going to involve a lot of work- passive hope that things will get better just isn't going to cut it this year. It's going to be an exhausting year, but I have some hope that good people outnumber the bigoted assholes. We just need a clear vision for 2020- without that, we'll just be stumbling around, headed for oblivion.


  1. I don't see any way we'll avoid war with Iran for another year. The economic warfare the US is waging against Tehran is existential for them, and they'll have to keep pushing back. Their domestic constituency demands it.

    Beyond Iran, there are so many global pressure points - NorKor/Japan, India/Pakistan, UK/EU, Venezuela/Brazil - that this could very well be the year of the international crisis, with a 'leader' that is particularly poorly suited to handle them...

  2. 1. Trump will still be POTUS despite the fact that I will will vote against him.

    I dunno, if gas prices spike because of escalating tensions in the Gulf, he's gone-daddy-gone.

    Beyond Iran, there are so many global pressure points - NorKor/Japan, India/Pakistan, UK/EU, Venezuela/Brazil - that this could very well be the year of the international crisis, with a 'leader' that is particularly poorly suited to handle them...

    He's so damn volatile, and obsessed with appearing 'tough'. I really think the Iran situation will blow up into an all-out regional war, and we won't have any allies... though the Saudis will be cheering from the sidelines.
