Friday, January 11, 2019

King of the Airwaves?

Last night was a first for me, perhaps a first for anyone since the 1970s. In the space of approximately an hour and a half, I heard two King Crimson songs on the radi-adi-o. The local commercial radio station that I usually listen to, WXPK, runs a fun feature every weekday (with a repeat block on Sunday afternoons) called The Ten at Ten (tagline: ten great songs from one great year), which showcases ten songs from a particular year, accompanied by news clips, movie trailers, even commercials from that year. As you probably surmised, the feature runs at 10AM, with a reprise at 10PM.

Last night's Ten at Ten featured the, in my estimation, Robert Chambersesque title song The Court of the Crimson King:

On my dive home from work, I was listening to WFUV, the radio station of Fordham University in the Bronx. On Thursdays, they have a feature called Throwback Thursdays, and the theme of the day was debut albums. Sure enough, they decided to play a selection from In the Court of the Crimson King, in this case the pretty I Talk to the Wind:

As soon as I got home, I frantically googled Robert Fripp's name to make sure that he was okay.

1 comment:

  1. a story of a personal encounter with robert fripp, by noted poetry and indie-rock enthusiast blckdgrd:

    in the comments there, my account of the only time i was in the same room with fripp (so far, at leaast)

    i think i heard 'heartbeat' on the radio once - i love it and got the album (the lp - those were the days) and have listened to the song repeatedly - i'm going to listen to it again on youtube in a moment

    something i learned this morning - the place where blckdgrd met fripp was formerly the home of george washington's grandnephew - various things happened there, including that it was the last home of the author of the famous story 'the lady or the tiger'

