Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Post-Thanksgiving Catch-up

I got home this morning at about half past five, beating out the bulk of the NYC rush hour traffic by a nose. The fourteen hour drive home was an endurance test, but not an ordeal, and my first order of business upon getting home was to call family to let them know I'd arrived safely. Now, it's a matter of catching up... I've caught up on sleep, I've consumed plenty of water to make up for my 'take only sips' roadtrip strategy. Now, I will go out and catch up with my local friends, and tomorrow will involve catching up with the laundry, and reading more in-depth about the news items I'd merely scanned while in Alabama. Hanging out with family took precedence over keeping up with current events. I also have to upload some pictures from my phone to my laptop so I can add them to the posts I'd written on my phone last week... specifically, I have photos of my handsome new friend, Lupin, the wolfy dog that my warrior queen goddaughter adopted. I should be caught up in a couple of days.

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