Sunday, August 19, 2018

You Have One Job

As soon as I get off of work this morning, I am hitting the road to visit my mother and my sister, plus her husband and kids, in Virginia. The car is gassed up and ready to go, my water bottle is chilling in my office fridge, and I am drinking a big cup of coffee. Mom had one request, she wanted me to bring her some creamed herring, because she can't find it in her local supermarkets.

I stopped at Stop and Shop and bought out their entire supply of the stuff, which wasn't a lot:

The small jar in the front, labeled Vita, is the premier brand. The two larger jars are an unfamiliar product, but you have to grab the herring that's there, not the herring which you want to be there. It's a Brooklyn product, so that is a promising note. Maybe it's small batch, artisanal stuff, processed by hipsters. I hope mom's not to cool for it.


  1. ACME? Yeah, I've seen their rockets get tested in desert areas, as well as their artificial caves, and the results are usually not so good. Hope their pickled herring is better.

  2. I'm pretty sure most of the failures of Acme products we've seen over the years were the result of operator error...

  3. Actually, I've bought Acme herring at my local Fairway and it isn't at all bad.

    However, for the best, of the best, of the absolute best, I recommend Russ & Daughters down on Houston Street in Manhattan. Low-priced they definitely ain't, but to die for is another matter. They claim to ship anywhere, although I have no idea how shipping affects their product, which is served fresh at their shop and restaurant around the corner. (If you go to the restaurant on a weekend, be prepared to wait for a table three hours or so. And no, to the best of my recollection they don't take reservations.)

    Their stuff is so good that even after a long wait at the restaurant a while back, I couldn't get cranky again for three whole hours.

    Crankily yours,
    The New York Crank

  4. I adore herring in sour cream. Is there some German or Bohemian ancestry in the Bastard family?
