Sunday, January 14, 2018

This Is Not a Charade

The latest, and most worrisome, outrageous news story has got to be the false ballistic missile alarm which had Hawaiians freaked out for over half an hour. Apparently, a single individual was able to mistakenly confirm an initial false alert. What the hell ever happened to the 'buddy system', whereby one person cannot make such a momentous decision as calling for a ballistic missile alert? Shouldn't there be fail-safe systems so that one dumbass or psycho can't cause an entire state to shit a collective brick? In my estimation, false nuclear alerts are a mark of shithole countries.

The post title is taken from Fishbone's Party at Ground Zero, perhaps the most fun song ever written about Mutually Assured Destruction:

Thankfully, there wasn't a missile attack on Hawaii, and thankfully the guy with the big nuclear button was too preoccupied with golfing to launch a 'retaliatory' nuclear strike against North Korea.


  1. Your last paragraph is key. If this had happened during the hours that Fox & Friends is on, it could have all ended much differently...

  2. It's mind-boggling to think that things would have been worse if he had been working. His stupidity and evil are tempered by his laziness.
