Monday, January 29, 2018

Binging on Nostalgia

For some reason, I was in a nostalgic mood, so I went poking around for information about some old computer games I had played the bejeezus out of and I found Old Games, a website which allows users to download vintage computer games which have been configured so no older computer emulators such as DOSBox are needed. For just under six bucks, a user gets a day of unlimited downloads, for under ten, a month of unlimited downloads is available. I, uhhhh, kinda went nuts and downloaded a shitton of games I used to play, and a bunch of games I had seen reviewed but never played. Now, I can replay computer games I haven't played since the 1980s, when the song Computer Games could be heard on the radi-adi-o:

My one saving grace is that my precious kitteh is at my job, not my home, so there will be no catassing going on.


  1. Remember this?

    Analog modems. MOD. AOL...

  2. OOppps.

    Here's the linkage....
