Wednesday, October 18, 2017

There's a Reason Why He Calls It the 'Caveman Formula'

I must confess that I have a fascination with 'conspiracy theories', though I have a dim view of most purveyors of such. The worst of this lot, in my estimation, is Alex Jones, who sells snake oil along with his paranoid right-wing fantasies. As if his hucksterism wasn't bad enough, some of the supplements he sells have dangerous levels of lead contamination. For a guy who claims that he's trying to protect his listeners from 'globalists' who are trying to poison them with 'chemtrails', he sure seems to be comfortable with poisoning his marks, just like an old-timey charlatan.

By pushing lead-tainted tinctures to his audience, Jones is also making them more receptive to his bullshit narrative, because lead causes intellectual and behavioral deficits. My favorite detail about this is the fact that one of his tainted products is his 'Caveman Paleo Formula'... if you keep taking this crap, you'll end up with the intellectual capacity of an Australopithecus.


  1. Big Audio Dynamite!

    Mr. Jones is the very picture of health himself, isn't he?

  2. Yeah, I love the idea even as I hate the purveyors of stupid.

    Alex Jones sounds like a record that broke on the track "False Flag".

    But I gotta say, Daphne Caruana Galizia seems like the real deal...

  3. Mr. Jones is the very picture of health himself, isn't he?

    He's going to explode on-air, Mr Creosote style.

    But I gotta say, Daphne Caruana Galizia seems like the real deal...

    Holy cow, she was recently assassinated in Malta, of all places.

  4. And the list of suspects is as long as your arm....
