Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Fucking Miracles, How Do They Work?

Oh, cheese-and-crackers, this fucking week, this fucking president... first we have him traveling to Puerto Rico and claims that the response is 'nothing short of a miracle', while the response has involved human toil, human generosity, human compassion. Then he claimed that the Puerto Rico disaster response has 'put the budget out of whack'. Fucker, know what puts the budget out of whack? Your weekly golf trips which you bill the taxypayers for and your former HHS secretary's half-million dollar charter plane habit. Tom Price's expenditures could have gone a long way to alleviate the suffering of our fellow citizens in Puerto Rico. Also, what the hell is up with singling out Puerto Rico for the pricetag of recovery, while not mentioning Texas and Florida? No need to answer that, it's Trump's racism, specifically his animus against Latinos.

Commenting on the mass-shooting in Las Vegas, Trump also used the term 'miracle'- ‘What happened is, in many ways, a miracle.’ No, it was no miracle- it was a combination of window-alarms, smoke detection, and the human responders from the hotel security department and the Las Vegas Police Department.

I'm a secular, cynical person, so I don't look for miraculous explanations for human successes, or in these instances, harm mitigation. You want miracles? Talk to a couple of clowns:

At this point, I think that either of these guys would make a better president than Donald.

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