Friday, October 20, 2017

Clark WolverAshton Smith

I have long been a big fan of teller of weird tales Clark Ashton Smith, whose stories combine a highfalutin' vocabulary with a detached-yet-macabre sense of humor. One of Smith's best known stories is The Vaults of Yoh-Vombis, a creepy tale of an archaeological expedition on a Percival Lowellesque Mars. Smut Clyde clued me into a comic book adaptation of the story by Richard Corben. Poking around the intert00bz, I found a comic by legendary cartoonist Basil Wolverton which is eerily similar to CAS' tale of terror:

The Brain-Bats of Venus is available in its entirety at It's a fun-yet-creepy comic by a legend, who looks to be ripping off inspired by another legend.


  1. Hey , was wondering if you can post a blog tomorrow revealing your full body ? It would help for the tiger man job. Thank you for the understanding.

  2. Yeah, I'm with the Times on this.

    I mean, you've been a little stingy with pics of your full body, and enquiring minds wanna know all sorts of stuff.

    Also, took that Tigerman job isn't going to be there forever, y'know...

  3. Also, you left a colon out of the address. I had to spend 6 seconds fixing it. WE EXPECT BETTER SERVICE.
