Monday, September 18, 2017

Move Under Ground

This is going to be one of those days- New York City will be congested because of Trump's visit to the United Nations, even though he's not exactly endearing himself to members of that body. I have to get to Brooklyn for tonight's Secret Science Club lecture. While the roads will be a nightmare, the 4 train should be as reliable as ever... as usual, the best way to move is underground.

The post title is taken from Nick Mamatas' 2004 Beat Writers against Elder Gods novel. While the subway system can be a scary place, it's got nothing on crosstown traffic:

Now, that's scary stuff.


  1. Hell, I don't like driving in San Francisco - the very idea of driving in New York makes me want to take a tranquilizer....

  2. The public transit system is so good, there's little need, unless you're a freight hauler.
