Sunday, August 27, 2017

My Noggin, Your Canvas

Today has been a busy day for me... since summer is rapidly drawing to a close, I decided that I would actually go about doing things before heading off to work, rather than sleeping in all morning. At one point in my travels, I went to an event at which a young woman was creating 'glitter tattoos' for children. She insisted on giving me a glitter tattoo on my big, bald noggin. Since I was wearing a Secret Science Club T-shirt, I decided to get a purple octopus glitter tattoo:

Hey, it's not like I had a choice in the matter... it's impossible to say no to a cute girl dressed as a pirate. I did have some explaining to do when I arrived on the job, but telling everybody that a cute pirate lass was giving out glitter tattoos was sufficient.


  1. Your kind of research project, B^4!

  2. It's nice to see the Pinkertones getting the research dollars they deserve.
